

Transform your life at Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali.

About Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali.

Unlike typical addiction rehab centers, Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali is set in the serene town of Mohali which provides a unique approach to dealing with continuous addiction recovery. Our approach to care deeply balances rehabilitation and therapy along with a deep caring touch to usher our patients to move towards a transformative journey. It does not start when a person steps in our doors rather starts from the time we envelop them with a surrounding that is conducive. Once there, they begin guided steps towards achieving their best health and their fully functional self.

Nasha Mukti Kendra fosters a community that provides comforting space for people to share their struggles, aspirations and joys. While bonding and forming relationships, together they learn to gently embrace a transformed life.

What we do at Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali.

We at Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali, deeply care about the needs of our patients and effectively attend to each and everyone, with utmost compassion. Our sanctuary provides the care to heal, transform and even break the vicious cycle of addiction. We also provide personalized treatment programs to help patients achieve their goals.

Our methodology combines therapy and mindfulness practices for a more holistic approach. This benefit's the residents since they are able to heal, find their passions, and develop new skills. After the treatment, we provide our patients long-term support and aftercare. Therefore, we give them the materials and directions they need to continue improving even after they leave our center.

At the Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali, we do not only focus on treatment, but we also help our patients become the drivers of their life’s journey.

Services we offer at Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali:

• We have introduced programs such as alcohol addiction freedom, which lowers the relationship a person has with alcohol, and with the use of modern medicine and wisdom helps them break free from it. This is what we do at the Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali.

• We lead our patients through a rather compassionate journey of self-revelation to help them overcome heroin addiction and empower them to be free.

• We apply an integrative approach where we use drug therapy and neurofeedback technologies. With these methods, we help our patients overcome their addiction using a new treatment paradigm.

• Detox solution restores the balance of both the body and the mind. For cleansing support, we provide nutritional help. This treatment incorporates ayurvedic principles with modern detoxification to restore vitality.

• Understanding and compassion helps in fighting the co-occurring drivers of addiction and mental health in a Dual Diagnosis Treatment. Compassionately treating both addiction and mental health allows for a fuller experience of self.

• To avoid relapse, the Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali helps clients build a personalized roadmap through narrative therapy and resilience training. The center specializes in the narrative therapy method.

Why pick our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali

Our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Mohali allows individuals to get rest and motivation when seeking recovery. This center focuses on holistic healing. We do not focus on treating the addiction only, but also the mind, body, and soul of the patient. We help our patients using therapy, counselling, and wellness activities to gain their inner strength back.